Featured Items

Request a Library Grab Bag
Let us know your favorite genres and authors, and we will hand-select a grab bag for you! We can can put together items for any age, and they can include whatever types of library materials you would like. Click on the link above to fill out the request form.

Summer Reading Challenge
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Finish your reading challenges on Beanstack, and when completed, kids and teens can pick up their free book at the library's Youth Desk! Click to learn more.

Your Response Matters
An accurate count of our community helps inform how hundreds of billions of dollars might get used each year for public services like clinics, schools, public transit, and hundreds of programs. You will soon be receiving an invitation to complete a simple questionnaire about who lives at your address on April 1st. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail, and federal law keeps those responses safe and secure.

Access Now
Edwardsville Library cardholders now have unlimited access to articles on NYtimes.com.
1. Click on Access Now (or NY Times logo on the Resources page)
2. Click on Redeem button, then create an account or login
3. Enjoy 72 hours of unlimited access to articles
4. Repeat above steps to add another 72 hours of access.

OverDrive is Back!
We are thrilled to let you know that OverDrive, an ebook and audiobook platform, is available again to Edwardsville Public Library cardholders. For those of you who love your e-ink readers, you will once again be able to send books to these devices with OverDrive.

You're Writing History
Chronicle the changes you observe as your community, the country, and the world respond to COVID-19. This project is in partnership with the Madison County Historical Museum and Hayner Public Library.